For people who want to be healthy And want to maintain a good figure, not to get fat, we recommend good food that will fill your stomach, but does not make you fat easily. Most importantly, easy to find, inexpensive, let’s take a look at the advice from expert nutritionists. โปรโมชั่น ufabet
6 foods that are full and not fat that health lovers should not miss!
fruits and vegetables

non-sweet fruit Doesn’t contain a lot of starch like green cantaloupe. less sugar (Orange is sweeter), oranges, guava, rose apples, apples, pears, green leafy vegetables. Eat more than 400 grams per day. It helps us feel full. beneficial to the body Give them vitamins and minerals. Fruits want to be careful about sugar. Because the sugar in fruit is sugar, fructose can be absorbed quickly. Which if eating too much can cause obesity as well
fish fillet

protein is part For people who want to lose weight will focus on protein consumption It should be low fat protein. Such as meat, freshwater fish or sea fish, raw fish as well. But be careful with the source, cleanliness and parasites should come from a reliable source like Japan, which will have high food safety standards. These things should be guaranteed. It is better to eat fish that has been cooked. The process of cooking is the same. It should be boiled, steamed, not fried. The process of making it is also important.
egg white

If a person has no health problems, such as having no high cholesterol problems We can eat whole eggs. Because eggs are a good source of protein. and makes it easy to get full It’s good to eat as boiled eggs or steamed eggs, poached eggs.
chicken breast

If we can choose to eat Or can cook by yourself Chicken breast is one of the good options. Don’t choose the one that is heavily cooked, the taste is too sweet and too salty. The right amount of soda should not exceed 2,400 milligrams per day, or 6 grams of salt and 6 teaspoons of sugar and soy sauce.

Milk will help us fill our stomach. and have good protein But should choose to drink low-fat milk. or fat free For people who are allergic to cow’s milk You can also choose to drink soy milk instead.

It’s a good source of protein. But legumes are foods that are relatively high in fat compared to other foods. like low-fat milk But it’s still considered good fat. Should eat in the right amount or about 1 handful per day.
food that promotes good health Not that easily fat can be eaten in general We just care about the quantity and quality of what we eat. besides food We should look at the seasoning process. It shouldn’t be too sweet or too salty because the more salty we eat, the more we eat. The more water will be absorbed and stored in us. make us edema and rarely lose weight In addition, the food should be taken on time. not eating too late and get enough rest